Sunday, 30 November 2008

Africa Trip with Sense International

Sense International Kenya worker Geoffrey with Dan in Killimani School

I recently went on  a trip to Kenya and Uganda to photograph the works of the NGO Sense International who work with Deafblind People in developing countries .Please visit their website and donate money if you have it as the work they do is truly amazing.

"Sense International works in the developing world to help people who are both deaf and blind to live full and active lives.

We provide educational, vocational and training services, and help local organisations and governments to meet the needs of deafblind people.

Sense International is an independent charity, with 57 staff worldwide. We set up our first programme in India a decade ago and now provide support to more than 30,000 deafblind people in ten countries: Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, India, Kenya, Peru, Romania, Tanzania and Uganda.

In addition, we campaign with governments and the public to uphold the rights of the hundreds of thousands of people who face challenges because of deafblindness." 

from the Sense International Website.

Kenya Day 1

Killimani School

Nairobi Deafblind home

 Kenya Day 2


Kibera is one of africa and the worlds biggest slums. Around 1 million people live in Kibera and the average hut size is 12 foot square and sometimes more than 6 people living in each one. 

Joyce's House

Uganda Day 3



Uganda Day 4


Thank you  Pam, Geoffrey, Alice, Lou and Max and to everyone involved in the Sense International. The work you do is amazing. I hope you like these pictures.